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My name is  Veronica Bañuelos, Founder and Principal Consultant at VB Consulting. Driven by my life’s purpose to contribute to the unification of the world, I focus on organizational conflict, culture, and communication –  particularly intercultural and interracial conflict. 


I get to walk people through conflict in the workplace with the objective to support group dynamics and communication. I get to create a space where people can step in with the intention of learning and understanding. I get to contribute to a culture of human connection and care; I work on breaking down the illusion of our separation.The quality of these conflicts show up with the weight of collectively unprocessed historical and intergenerational trauma in our society. These deep wounds require a specific lens and grace to support folks through and out of conflict. I also work preemptively to support organizations in imagining and creating the culture they want to live in. 


To this work, I bring 20 years of experience in Human Development, a Master’s degree in Management and Organizational Leadership, interracial/intercultural mediation and restorative processes with an equity lens and my foundation as a Spiritual Director. My lived experience as a Chicana-Mexicana also informs my approach and I draw wisdom from my family and ancestors. Reconciling my colonized and colonizer ancestry has given me the gift of clear seeing: I hold space that is non-judgmental and allows for multiple truths at once. This is truly sacred work for me. 

“We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.”

If you are working towards:​

  • Sustainable and more authentic relationships in your organization

  • A felt sense of belonging among team members

  • Retention and increase employee satisfaction

  • A greater sense of ease with a commitment to call-in culture, Book a free consultation now!

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Veronica Bañuelos Consulting



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